Quotes from reviews of Groove or Die

First we have an awesome quote from Jazz Podium:

“We had William Shakespeare’s dictum “To be or not to be” (from “Hamlet“); from then the bebop master Dizzy Gillespie gave us “To Be or Not to Bop.” And now from the Paul Jackson Trio it is “Groove or Die.”
Jazz Podium

Next a great funk site in Netherlands:

and here are some highlight review quotes:

“Highly recommended.”
Funk Blog (Netherlands)
“Jackson is forever a hero… few bass men have dug that jazz funk groove so deep.”
Jazzwise Magazine
Radio Okerwelle CD of the Week
“Black music entertainment at its finest!… a very unique sound.”
Soul Train Online
“What a title- what a life moto! Jackson’s manifesto underpins the album with an irresistible groove that is built from the compact trio playing.”
“The sounds are soul; it’s groove at its best”.
“The founding member of the legendary Headhunters presents his new trio with a loads of soul, funky, groove, and jazz virtuosity.”
“When I received my disc I thought the title looked a little threatening. I thought, ‘Will it groove me?’ The pillar of ‘The Headhunters‘ succeeded… very funky, with a trace of gospel.”
Music an Sich
“The massive, funky bass meets spacey synth-sounds and a stoic acting percussion; soulful, funky and flashy… excellent.”
Jazz Thing
“Virtuoso bass lines and intricate grooves.”
Jazzthetik + feature article

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