Jazz / Funk Bass Master

Paul's Ceremony in Japan Akiko Suzuki, Paul's wife posted her thoughts and shared some of the speech she read at Paul's ceremony in Japan. She also described his last tour, last performances, and his health issues. You can find it HERE. in our News Section.
His obituary in the New York Times can be found HERE.

Songwriter of Chameleon

Groove or Die

Black Octopus
“Jazz for Kids”
A Paul Jackson/Micky Yoshino re-issue is coming! There are videos of the program performed in schools in Japan from the Japanese Minister of Education. Watch for it soon!
New CD release date announced.
September 5, 2014. Mark your calendar for November 3rd. The release date for the new CD “Groove Or Die” is getting closer, people! It is a little less than a month away. Get ready. The tracks are awesome and you can preview them and get lots of news, video, and…